Human Advanced Healthcare

SR Medical & Diagnostic Center

SR Medical & Diagnostic Center is the newly established medical center in Dhaka with the aim of providing medical checkup facilities to the People. Located on First Floor, 2/1 Nova Tower, Naya Paltan, Dhaka-100, Bangladesh. The facility is completely furnished with all contemporary medical tools and equipment. Professionals in pathology and medicine run the center. The center's operations are supervised by a staff of specialized doctors.

The latest cutting-edge medical technology is available at SR Medical Center. In order to aid in diagnosing or treating medical issues, every piece of equipment utilized here is built to exact safety standards.


Shamimur Rahman Meaji (Shamim)


More then 20 years, Shamimur Rahman Meaji (Shamim) has managed SR Medical & Diagnostic Center Dhaka. He also has a significant amount of experience in numerous other industry. He has a distinguished commercial career in Bangladesh. He is connected to the following businesses as well.


  • SR International (Export, Import & Supply)
  • M/S. SR Traders (First Class Contractor & Supplier)


  • SR Medical & Diagnostic Center
  • Shamsunahar Nursing and Midwifery Institute
  • SR International LPG Filling Station


Gunabati General Hospital

Message From Chairman

I take this opportunity to introduce our medical center, “SR Medical & Diagnostic Center” which is completely furnished with cutting-edge tools and equipment for medical check-ups. A lot of expert labor is usually required. The need has always been greater than it is right now because of the technological revolution. The demand is expected to grow even more urgently in the coming days. Such Bangladeshi workers and job seekers are obliged to undergo a thorough examination and be given a Medical Fitness Certificate as a condition of employment in the Gulf countries. We have medical facilities to ensure rigorous adherence to international standards in order to keep this in mind. We investigate the situation thoroughly to ensure that every employee working for the client company is in good physical and mental health. Since then, we have offered top-notch medical diagnostic services, highly accurate results, state-of-the-art equipment, and individualized care all under one roof. In order to ensure that you receive the greatest and most accurate lab test results, it is our professionals' responsibility to demonstrate the aforementioned services extremely successfully and efficiently.

With Best Wishes
Shamimur Rahman Meaji (Shamim)

GCC Guidelines

Nervous System: Applicant should not be suffering from any previous nervous or neurological disease, at any period during life time, such as epilepsy, melancholia, or any other similar disease. He should also be free from any clinical symptoms or signs that indicate the presence of any nervous or neurological diseases.

Allergy: Applicant should be free from all types of allergic diseases or the presence of clinical symptoms or illness indicating his suffering therefrom.

Visual Acuity: Visual acuity should be suitable for the job the applicant will perform, bearing in consideration that jobs which require sharp vision such as drivers should not be less than 6/6 or 6/9 either with or without eye-glasses, in addition to colour differentiation, and that the two eye-vision and visual field should be quite normal and should not be suffering from any apparent squint in addition to near vision efficiency. Applicant should not be suffering from contagious eye diseases such as granular conjunctivitis, purulent conjunctivitis, trachoma, and other eye diseases that require prolonged medical treatment or surgical operations such as cataracts and glaucoma.

Hearing: Applicant’s hearing power should be normal and should not be suffering from any infections in the middle or inner ear.

Clinical Examination

A. Blood Pressure: Should be within normal limits.

B. Heart: Heart beatings must be regular and consistent and heart function should be normal and free from congenital defects and organic diseases.

C. Lungs: Applicant should not be suffering from bronchial asthma or any other lung diseases. Chest X-ray should indicate that the applicant is free from tuberculosis or any signs indicating the existence of fibrosis, calcifications, bronchiectasis or tumours.

D. Abdomen: Applicant should be free from any type of hernias (whether umbilical or inguinal) or ascites, provided that the internal organs should be healthy and not enlarged and the digestive system should be safe from any tumours.

E. Extremities: Should be free from any congenital or pathological abnormalities and legs should be free from varices, and the vertebral column should also be free from any abnormality or disk prolapse.

F. Skin: Applicant should be free from leprotic pathological manifestations and other chronic skin diseases such as eczema and psoriasis or any other infectious skin diseases such as chronic tinea, other fungal skin infections and scabies.


A. Applicant should be free from all rheumatic diseases, lymphoid glands and thyroid gland enlargement or any apparent tumours.

B. In case of females, applicant should not be pregnant and should be free from all types of vaginal bleedings, uterine prolapse and breast tumours.

Venereal Diseases

Applicant should be free from clinical symptoms and signs for any venereal disease, clinically and laboratory (TPHA or VDRL or any other specific type of analysis).

Urine: A complete urine analysis shall be made, on condition that its results should be within the normal limits, provided that it should not contain sugar, albumin or bilharzia in endemic areas.

Stool: An analysis should be made for the stool for any gastro intestinal parasites. A stool culture should be done in order to ascertain that it does not include salmonella, shigella and cholera (in endemic areas).


A. A complete blood picture shall be made on condition that the results should be within the normal limits, and that haemoglobin percent should not be less than 10g/100ml.

B. A film shall be taken for malaria to make sure that it does not exist.

C. Necessary analysis shall be carried out so as to know the percentage of sugar in blood, which should not exceed the normal level.

Serology Should Include:

A. Ascertaining that applicant is not suffering from HIV infection through Elisa test, and results of this test must be “Non reactive”.

B. HBsAg and Anti-HCV results should be “Negative”.

C. Liver functions tests: SGPT & SGOT results should be within normal level.

D. Kidney function test (creatinine) results should be within normal averages.

Subjects with the following diseases are considered unfit to work in G.C.C Countries

Infectious Diseases
  • HIV AIDS reactive
  • Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Positive and Anti HCV
  • Microfilaria Positive & Malaria Blood Film Positive
  • Known Leprosy Patient
  • Tuberculosis - any type
    • Pulmonary by chest X-Ray showing active or past evidence of old T.B including minimum fibrosis, classification and pleural thickening
    • Tuberculosis Pleural Effusion
    • Tuberculosis Lymphadenitis
  • Venereal Diseases, VDRL Positive and TPHA Positive 
Non Infectious Diseases
  • Chronic Renal Failure
  • Chronic Hepatic Failure
  • Congestive Heart Failure
  • Uncontrolled Hypertension
  • Known case Cancer
  • Psychiatric Diseases and Neorological Disorders
  • Physical Disability. e.g. color blindness,deafness etc.

Duties & Responsibilities

  • Using the electronic connectivity program of the expatriate examination program.

  • Pledge to the Gulf Health Council rules and regulations of expatriates examination according to the Rules & Regulations for Medical Examination of Expatriates Coming to GCC States for Residence.

  • The identity of the expatriate to be medically examined will be ascertained and the specimen examined in the laboratory and radiography department (X-ray) will be subject to stringent controls.

  • To report to the Gulf Health Council any changes that may take place in the centre from the time of its first inspection by the Gulf technical committee.

  • Conduction of all required medical examinations according to the approved form issued by the Gulf Health Council.

  • All medical and physical fitness examinations should be carried out accurately and according to scientific criteria and international standards.

  • Commitment to implementation of financial and administrative penalties arising from violation of any article of these rules and regulations or breach of any condition set by Gulf Health Council for examining expatriates.

  • Conduct operations to the best of our abilities and as per the guidelines provided by the Gulf Health Council.

  • Maintenance of equipment, tools and devices must be carried out continuously. The equipment will be upgraded to cope with the new methods of examination provided to expatriates.

  • Pledge to pay inspection and registration fees and membership subscription at fixed times to the Gulf Health Council.

  • All required medical examinations will be carried out on family members seeking residence with the expatriate in the Gulf States.

  • Uphold the highest moral and ethical standards in all of our business activities.
  • Have a question?

    +88 01622-100222

  • Our work hours (Sat-Thurs):

    09:00 - 17:00

  • Email us:
  • Address:

    First Floor, 2/1 Nova Tower, Naya Paltan,
    Dhaka-100, Bangladesh